"Exactly how does someone become an advocate?"
"What is bicycle and pedestrian advocacy?"
"I have an idea I want to implement in my community, but where do I even start?"
If you want to learn how to become a better advocate in your community, become a Spokesman!
Become a Spokesman
Our current "Spokesman" program is currently underway.
CONTACT US to sign up for our next class which will be held in Winter, 2016.
Participants in our "Spokesman" program receive:
One-on-one professional consultation and training to implement innovative programs in your community
Statewide support and technical assistance surrounding the specifics of bicycle or pedestrian advocacy
Peer Group Training sessions including informative readings, group discussion, access to educational webinars and best practice documents.
Trainings on how to engage elected officials and increase policies, infrastructure and safety in your community
Reading materials, instructions for webinars and access to resources needed for each class wil be distributed before each session
Certificate of Completion of Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Advocacy Training Course
All trainings are conducted online through webinars, Google Hangout or conference call. You can participate from anywhere in Mississippi!
What will the sessions cover?
We will decide as a group what topics to focus our sessions on, however some of the sessions you can expect include:
How to conduct a neighborhood Walking Audit
How to become an Advocate for change in your community / Advocacy & Community Organizing 101
How to hold a Walk to School Programs: Walk to School Day, Walk to School Bus
How to create Walking Clubs or start Walking Groups in your community / Walking Wednesdays & Walking Weekends
Bicycle Safety Campaigns and how to hold a Bike Rodeo
How to hold a neighborhood Cyclovia / Open Streets / Play Streets Event
Becoming a "Bicycle Friendly"Community
Becoming "Walk Friendly"
Complete Streets Policies
Creating Bicycle and Pedestrian Committees
Other topics will be determined by group census or interest level.
What will be expected from participants?
Participation in the Spokesman program is free, but we do ask that all participants be a member of Bike Walk Mississippi.
Each participant will be required to attend at least 4 Spokesman meetings. (This can include any of the sessions, webinars or trainings offered).
Commitment to promote the work of Bike Walk Mississippi, including promotion of the Share the Road license plate.
Each participant will submit a one page project plan to implement in their community.
*Each participant in the Spokesman program will receive one-on-one consulting, feedback and assistance to complete the community project they have chosen.