Our Current Campaigns & Projects
Advocacy Organizations like ours work through multi-tiered statewide "campaigns" to effect the highest level of change possible.
Every year, we work to implement these strategic campaign efforts to result in a more bikeable, walkable and livable Mississippi.
The "One Step at a Time" Campaign is a statewide Walking initiative working to increase walking programs, policies and infrastructure that supports a more walkable Mississippi. The campaign uses a multi-tiered approach to increase walking by supporting Safe Routes to Schools programs, increased sidewalks, facilitating statewide walking groups and promoting pedestrian safety. The "One Step at a Time" campaign also provides Walking Audits and Walking Workshops to communities throughout the state. Join us for Walking Wednesdays and Walking Weekends from April - October 2016!
Check out the entire campaign at: www.onestepms.com
The "Bicycle Friendly Mississippi" Campaign, created through a partnership with the League of American Bicyclists and the Alliance for Biking and Walking and since 2012, we have been working with communities and groups across the state to create local community action plans that identify both low-hanging fruit and long term solutions to increasing Bicycle Friendliness.The Bicycle Friendly America℠ program is a designation awarded from the League of American Bicyclist, divided into categories including Bicycle Friendly State, Bicycle Friendly Community, Bicycle Friendly Business and Bicycle Friendly University. As part of this campaign, the state of Mississippi has increased 15 spots from #47 to #31 as a Nationally ranked Bicycle Friendly State! We currently have open spots available for Mississippi communities, clubs or other organizations who want to start the process toward becoming more Bicycle Friendly. Find out more HERE!
The "Change Lanes to Pass" Campaign is a statewide Bicycle Safety Campaign that focuses on educating motorists, bicyclists and law enforcement officials about the specifics of increased bicycle safety in Mississippi. This campaign has a stand-alone website where we offer safety templates including MS Bike Law printouts, a series of PSA videos, posters focused on humanizing bicyclists and other free bicycle safety resources available for individuals, groups and organizations.
Check out the entire campaign at: www.changelanestopass.com
The "Mississippians for Complete Streets" Campaign:
Complete Streets policies ensure that roads are designed to enable safe access for drivers, transit users and vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists, as well as some of the most vulnerable users including the elderly, children, and people with disabilities. Complete Street roadway design features include sidewalks, lane striping, bicycle lanes, paved shoulders suitable for use by bicyclists, signage, crosswalks, pedestrian control signals, bus pull-outs, curb cuts, raised crosswalks, ramps and traffic calming measures. The Mississippians for Complete Streets Campaign is a grass-roots coalition working together to help educate and advocate for a more complete transportation system for ALL users of the roads.
Find resources for increased Complete Streets in Mississippi at: www.completestreetsms.org